In the 21st century, learning has become a lot easier and it keeps getting easier. Thanks to the internet, anything is at our fingertips. Easy to reach. Which is incredible. Let's say you want to learn something new, like a language. You can google "how to learn X language" and you'll get hundreds, if not thousands of results that tell you where to begin and you can start to learn immediately.
Not only that, formal learning has been improving and also becoming easier thanks to the internet. I’d like to give an example from the current ongoing pandemic. Because of the virus, our recent years have been pretty much in online classes, right? I’m going to give another example from my situation. I’m currently quarantined because my coronavirus test result was positive. I can not attend face to face classes, but I can still get information about what we’ve done in the class thanks to the learning applications. Though, I wouldn’t say it is the best way to learn, but it is a great alternative when face to face learning is not possible.